11 november 2013

My heavens, Yes!

Things I love to eat...  

Algue wrap decorated with eggplant hash, Kalamata olives, alfalfa seedlings, physalis/ground cherries, wolfberries and fresh basil.
Salad with peas, onion, grated beetroots and apples, air-lock, (Karintorps) tomato sauce and a pinch of himalaya salt.
Casey's delicious vegan cupcakes - also to diiie for ^^ I just added some decoration. I made the rose from a strip of dried red currant bought at Spiragården, Glanshammar. Check them out on facebook! 

Them nettles. They're everywhere. And you can use them for everything! 

Nettle-smoothie for example. Tinted with a touch of black currant.
Nettle-scones, nettle-pesto, vegan cheese, parsley, orange juice, tomatoes, teeeea and great company!  
Small pancakes made of zucchini and potatoes with an uplifting dill sauce. Pickled pepper (non home-grown)
Luxurious lemonade made from rose-hip petals! 

Blast away your worries with the power of...  Strawberries, orange, peach, date plums, pears, local honey, sesame paste, walnuts, basil and crushed cardamom  
Ease your sugar cravings with a peach- and honeydew melon-sorbet made of refridgerated fruits and egg white, decorated with uplifting wild carnation  

Appetizer: butter-fried garden-picked dandelion buds 

Raw, grated beetroot with raisins, pecans, brazil oil and flaked salt 

Fried horse beans with air lock. Some drops of rapeseed oil and a tiny dash of salt. Just like that! 

Capture the life and joy of the carnival every day with..  Sugarsnaps, fried egg with (Karintorps) tomato sauce, horse beans, air-lock, physalis/ground cherries on a bed of lettuce. And grape fruit juice. Nearly everything from my or my neighbours garden
Breakfast with a good friend  We mustered something up..!
Breakfast in the sun! Horse beans picked one minute before being lightly fried. Spinach fried with garlic on a bed of fresh lettuce. Tomatoes catching their last breath ^^
Can't tell what it is except that it was a cozy meal 

Whirled veggie-lasagne. Rose in the middle made of a beetroot 
Blueberry smoothie made of sunflower seed, date plums, ricedream, one banana and many blueberries 
Let me see.. Horse beans, pecans, swiss chard, lettuce, cucumber, brown rice, tomato/carrot sauce..  
Some kind of veggie lasagne.. And a cat to confirm the success  
Wheat berry, leek, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese-something, a sweet pepper sauce.. not yet wrapped or primmed  
Home made algue-wrap garnished with grapes and home grown tomatoes 
 The explosion of flavours makes you dizzy  
Cow cabbage pie with goat cheese and home grown tomatoes. Decorated with basil and marigold  
These adoreable mornings..! 

Sunshine, sprouts and cucumber with herb salt and hazelnut oil. And a big cup of tea! 

Lunch box faced with cress 
Death by Chocholate.. Chocolate cake stuffed with beetroots. Invigorated with edible flowers  

Light the candles, use the nice sheet, drink champagne. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special!


2 kommentarer:

  1. Många vackra bilder och läcker mat!

  2. Tack för det :D Målet är att inspirera. Bra saker ska delas! ;)
