13 november 2013

What do we stand up for?

What do you stand up for? 
Do you stand up for human rights? Do you stand up for love? Do you stand up for truth? Do you stand up for care? What do you stand up for?

You see, the world is the way it is because enough of us have not stood up, for the right thing. We have allowed things to be however it wants to be. It is time for the whole humanity to stand up. What do you stand up for?

All this while, what have you stood up for? Have you stood up for your happiness? Have you stood up for the happiness of another? Have you stood up for nature? Have you stood up for harmony? 

What do you Want to stand up for and what do you choose to stand up for? Meditate on this question. Because, humanity as a whole depends on each one of us making a stand. 

Words well spoken by Dhyan Vimal.


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